The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has created a network of 634 KrishiVigyanKendras (KVKs) in the country.
Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhandcomes under Zone IV. In Zone IV, 81 KVKs Have been established by the ICAR, out of which 68 KVKs are in Uttar Pradesh and 13 in Uttarakhand.
Growth of KVK
By the end of Fifth Five Year Plan, 19 KVKs were established.
In view of its growing utility and the demand, 70 KVKs were sanctioned during the Sixth Five Year
Plan (1980-85).
During the Seventh Plan, 20 new KVKs were established. The success of KVKs at many locations
created a great demand for establishment of more KVKs in the remaining districts of the country.
Accordingly, the Planning Commission further approved 74 new KVKs to be established during
the period 1992-93.
Setup of KVK